For the first time, a massive data set of 10,000 porn stars has been extracted from the world’s largest database of adult films and performers. I’ve spent the last six months analyzing it to discover the truth about what the average performer looks like, what they do on film, and how their role has evolved over the last forty years.
This blog post is amazing.
John Millard scraped data at the Internet Adult Film Database, finding out all sorts of crazy statistical information.
My favorites:
- Only 62% of female porn stars “do anal.”
- The average age of a MILF in porn is thirty-three.
- Popular male porn stars are known as Top Woodsman. Top. Freaking. Woodsman. That will never not be funny for me.
- Mixing the appearances of ten of the most popular women in porn produces this face:
He’s got some fun infographics made, and you can request a full pdf of the report, if you’re so inclined.
Twitter: jennylynwrites
Top Woodsman…*snort*. That’s an epic name. And the girl face mash-up could be the new Miss America or something of that ilk. She’s very pretty in an average sort of way, if that makes sense.
Right. She’s very “girl next door.”