Happy New Year!
I was a very good girl last night, and I only drank half a bottle of champagne.
Champagne drinking is a serious endeavor, actually. I am more afraid of champagne than I am of tequila. Champagne is concentrated hangover serum.
So, resolution 1?
Start the New Year without a hangover.
Status: achievement unlocked.
So, my other resolutions?
- Take this whole porn writing business seriously. So… finishing the book. Then, I guess… self-publishing the book. Because Amazon isn’t over run with self-published erotica, already.
- More dirty pictures!
- Overcome my fear of the
stupidevilzapper. We have an electrosex box. It is scary. I makes me nervous. This is one of those things that wasn’t my idea. When you get into conversations about “topping from the bottom,” and whatnot, I am firmly in Camp Slap and Tickle. I do not need to be the subbiest sub to the Domliest Dominastard. But this box? Is all him. I hate the damned thing. So, of course, it makes him grin. - More spankings. Heh. You can never go wrong with more spankings.